Have a question? You may find the answers here. Otherwise feel free to contact me to find out more.


  • Many people have a preconceived idea of what hypnosis looks like, based on movies and stage shows. Quantum Healing hypnosis, like therapeutic hypnosis, is quite different to the Hollywood version. The kind of hypnotic induction that I employ in my Quantum Healing sessions has been developed over 30 years as a psychotherapist, and is based on the work of Milton Erickson and Candace Craw-Goldman’s Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) technique.

    It is a deeply respectful and collaborative style of hypnosis in which the client remains completely in control, but with a sense of a quietened mind and the ability to access parts of themselves that would ordinarily be less accessible. This state is like an enhanced version of the state we can be in during meditation, daydreams, drifting off to sleep or waking, and also very much like the flow state we find ourselves in when lost in creative pursuits, like dancing, painting, writing and so on. Though some people easily go deeply into trance states, it is absolutely usual to experience a lighter trance state with clear awareness throughout the session. 

  • Children usually have an extraordinary capacity for awareness and with loving presence, conscious parenting and tailored guidance, can often navigate whatever challenges life brings. While they may have brought through karma to be cleared in this lifetime, as well as the gifts and burdens of their ancestral lineage, most children will be best served by their parents and care givers being holding a healed environment of stability and expansion. However sometimes we as parents may need some assistance in helping them to navigate the challenges they are facing, and a quantum healing session is the perfect opportunity for this.

    Typically, my quantum healing sessions are designed for adults although mature teenagers 14 - 18 may feel drawn to the work. During your session, if your child is under 18 we can call in their Higher Self to understand any challenges the child is facing and gain insight into how we may further support them. We always ask permission of their Higher Self first. 

  • There are many ways you can meditate, you don’t have to sit in full lotus position in a cave. Of course qi gong and yoga are great ways to learn to use the breath and move your energy through your body and energy fields, but you can also meditate doing the washing up, going for a walk, lying in your bed or sitting under a lovely tree. Meditation is about bringing your full awareness and presence to the moment you are in. Over time, with some practice, you will begin to recognise and then relax more deeply into the unique frequency or resonance of your own energy system. Check out my brief guided meditation here to get a taste, and contact me if you’d like to explore and get to know your own unique resonance.

  • Our rates are listed here. Feel free to contact me to discuss the service or package that works best for you. Payment plans are available for all sessions and for those in genuine need, concession rates are available. All payments, including session packages, must be paid in full prior to commencement, unless by prior arrangement. We accept payment via Paypal.

  • Yes, absolutely. And more than likely you already know how, but perhaps have forgotten how to access it. Like all skills, this may take practice to build but your inner world is completely available to you at all times. In the session you will learn how it feels to connect with your own highest wisdom, and often during the session your higher self provides very clear signposts to direct you back to this space easily and effortlessly in your daily life, in a way that is personally meaningful to you. In the meantime, while you build those muscles, you will have the recording from your session to listen to as many times as you like, to continue to glean wisdom and insights, and to experience that state of wholeness at any time you choose. Check out my brief guided meditation here to get a taste, and contact me if you’d like to build those skills now.

Live your life on purpose.