We offer a range of single session and multi-session packages, so that you can find the best fit for you.

  • Session 1: A full length PLATINUM session (3 -5 hours)

    followed at a later date by

    Session 2: A SILVER Integration session for further support (1 hour).

    4 - 6hr | AUD$555 | Book Now

  • A full length deep dive into your wisdom, your wholeness and the clarity of your soul, seeking answers to all of your questions, and receiving deep healing and restoration, unlocking and accessing your soul’s gifts and talents ready to be activated in your life now, and realigning to the Truth of who you are. These sessions offer the opportunity to fully integrate and change the whole experience of who you are in this world.

    3 - 5hr | AUD$450 | Book Now

  • For those who have completed a full length quantum healing session with Krishna, GOLDEN sessions offer the opportunity to hone in on specific areas of your life, to deepen understanding and invite further change.

    2 hr | AUD$280 | Book Now

  • These sessions are skills focussed: investigating and uncovering patterns of behaviour that no longer serve and learning and developing healthy patterns in their place. Some people call this process of uncovering and healing “shadow work.” In SILVER sessions we develop supportive strategies to build resources and awareness in your daily life so that you can live in higher alignment with your wholeness.

    You will get the most benefit from these sessions by participating in a series, so that your skills can grow incrementally with full support and attention. You can space these sessions in any way that serves you - weekly offers the greatest level of support and the 12 sessions package provides the greatest scope for change, with the assimilation and integration of newly learned behaviours into your life and your relationships.

    1hr | AUD$180-$150 | Book Now

    Single session: $AUD180

    Package of 3 sessions: $170/ session*

    Package of 12 (recommended) $150/session*

    See FAQs for payment information.

    *All payments, including session packages must be paid in full prior to commencement (unless by prior arrangement).

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